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The Swimmer Lady - Diversity and inclusion in sport

The Swimmer Lady - Diversity and inclusion in sport

Posted by Christine Finlay on 17th May 2022

I started searching for quality competitive swimwear in early 2004 because of the lack of quality, durability, sizing variety and shape inclusive swimwear.

After searching and trialling lots of products, I finally came across

The name Agon, refers to a little-known Greek God who represents the spirit of self-actualization through athletic competition. I was impressed with their products and Agon's sense of moral purpose. Agon hoped to achieve the following positive outcomes for team members' well-being: increased team spirit, sense of belonging, and motivation to excel.

The company’s work production ethics were inspiring with staff working in great conditions, their production team was also built on unity, spirit, and pride which worked to produce wonderful products.

My aim was to change how swimmers felt about themselves whilst participating in their sports. I wanted them to feel empowered in their sport regardless of gender, sexual orientation, ability, cultural background, ethnicity, and physical status.

I hated the idea that young people wouldn't swim because of these issues so I made it my business to become involved in educating sporting teams that every player be treated equally.

Body shaming athletes is my greatest bug bear, it is hurtful and should never be tolerated in sport especially water sports where bodies are more on show, so it makes me proud to be able to empower players by having great swimwear on offer ........

I have attached the following link for people to read and consider.